Charlie Sheen pleads guilty in Aspen wife assault

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Charlie Sheen's plea deal with prosecutors allowed him to avoid jail time for a Christmas Day assault on his wife and also won't require him to do public service around the tony resort town of Aspen.

The "Two and a Half Men" actor pleaded guilty Monday to misdemeanor third-degree assault in exchange for prosecutors dropping two other more serious charges, including a felony charge of menacing. He was sentenced to 30 days in a rehabilitation center, 30 days of probation and 36 hours of anger management.

Sheen has 30 days to make arrangements to serve his sentence at Promises Treatment Center in California, though whether he will actually have to report there remains in question.

Sheen's attorney, Yale Galanter, said the actor has already spent 93 days at Promises this year and the center could choose to credit that time toward his sentence.

"Credit for time served is absolutely on the table," Galanter said. "How much credit he gets is up to Promises."

The charges against the actor stemmed from a Christmas Day 2009 dispute with his wife. Brooke Mueller Sheen told police that the actor threatened to kill her and brandished a knife after she told him she wanted a divorce.

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For the FY 2019 cap, USCIS encourages employers to file a petition for a CW-1 nonimmigrant worker up to six months in advance of the proposed start date of employment and as early as possible within that timeframe. USCIS will reject a petition if it is filed more than six months in advance. An extension petition may request a start date of Oct. 1, 2018, even if that worker’s current status will not expire by that date.

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