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  • One More Week For Sotomayor Vote

    One More Week For Sotomayor Vote

    Headline Legal News 07/21/2009

    The National Law Journal reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has delayed today's vote on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. The delay was expected as Republicans exercise their right for a one-week delay, commonly u...

  • Lawyers' Depresssion Soars During Recession

    Lawyers' Depresssion Soars During Recession

    Headline Legal News 07/20/2009

    According to the New York Law Journal, the economic climate is causing more lawyers to grow nervous about the job market. Even in good times, depression is a part of a career in law because of the high stress atmosphere. In bad times, it's much worse...

  • Hates Crimes May Cover Gender, Sexual Orientation

    Hates Crimes May Cover Gender, Sexual Orientation

    Headline Legal News 07/17/2009

    The Associated Press is reporting that on Thursday the Senate approved an expansion of federal hate crime laws. The legislation will allow the 1968 hate crimes law to cover those attacked because of their gender, sexual orientation, gender identity o...

  • New Immigration Bill In AZ

    New Immigration Bill In AZ

    Headline Legal News 07/01/2009

    AP is reporting that Arizona has inched closer to making all illegal immigrants in the state criminals. The Arizona Senate voted 16-11 early today to expand its trespassing laws, making the presence of illegal immigrants a crime. The House must appro...

  • John Hinckley Gets More Freedom

    John Hinckley Gets More Freedom

    Headline Legal News 06/17/2009

    The man who tried to kill President Ronald Reagan is now allowed to visit his mother more, to get a driver's license and spend more time away from the mental hospital where he lives, a federal judge ruled. John Hinckley shot President Reagan and woun...

  • Conrad Black Asks for Release from Prison

    Conrad Black Asks for Release from Prison

    Headline Legal News 05/29/2009

    Former media executive Conrad Black is seeking his release from prison, at least until the Supreme Court decides whether to uphold his fraud conviction. Black has served nearly 15 months of a 6 1/2-year prison term following his conviction in July 20...

  • Judge Sonia Sotomayor Accepts Nomination to Supreme Court

    Judge Sonia Sotomayor Accepts Nomination to Supreme Court

    Headline Legal News 05/26/2009

    President Obama on Tuesday nominated federal appellate Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor "is an inspiring woman who I believe will make a great justice," Obama said at a White House announcement.She "has worked at almost ever...

  • US judge OKs $116M ruling in deadly terror attack

    US judge OKs $116M ruling in deadly terror attack

    Headline Legal News 05/14/2009

    A federal judge in Rhode Island has upheld a $116 million verdict against the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority over a 1996 terror attack that killed a U.S. citizen and his wife. U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Lagueux ...

  • Conservative Sessions leads court nomination fight

    Conservative Sessions leads court nomination fight

    Headline Legal News 05/07/2009

    The top Republican in the Senate served notice on President Barack Obama Tuesday that the GOP won't rubber-stamp his choice to succeed the retiring Justice David Souter. "The president is free to nominate whomever he likes," said Senate Minority Lead...

  • Judge Upholds $100M Verdict for Mattel

    Judge Upholds $100M Verdict for Mattel

    Headline Legal News 04/28/2009

    A federal judge upheld a $100 million jury verdict Monday for MattelInc. in a lengthy legal battle over rights to the Bratz doll, a rivalto Mattel's Barbie. U.S. District Judge Stephen Larson also confirmed in his ruling lateMonday that the Bratz dol...

  • South Korean Blogger Acquitted

    South Korean Blogger Acquitted

    Headline Legal News 04/20/2009

    A South Korean court on Monday acquitted a blogger accused of causingthe country huge financial losses by spreading misleading informationon the economy. Prosecutors had sought an 18-month prison term for Park Dae-Sung, 30 --better known by his Inter...

  • Davis Polk Recruit Ex-SEC Aide

    Davis Polk Recruit Ex-SEC Aide

    Headline Legal News 04/17/2009

    Law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell recruited the Securities andExchange Commission's former enforcement chief and another formerhigh-level government lawyer to join its white-collar defense group,part of an effort to expand its Washington practice. L...

Business News

Clayton, MO Federal Criminal Defense Attorney The Law Offices of John M. Lynch, LLC, provides strong representation for clients with federal criminal defense. >> read
DuPage IL worker's comp lawyers The law firm of Krol, Bongiorno & Given, Ltd. has been a leader in the field of workers’ compensation law in DuPage, Illinois. >> read